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Parenting is tough. Unfortunately, our children aren’t born with a manual and there aren’t any black and white rules of parenting. That makes our jobs confusing, especially when it comes to understanding our children’s mental health.

It can be difficult to distinguish signs of a mental health disorder from normal childhood behavior.

When my daughter was three, she was a relentless ball of fun, energy and very high emotion. Sometimes, she’d have a temper tantrum about something critical to her, “NO! I don’t want to wear my pink tennis shoes,” she’d cry and scream leaving me feeling perplexed, unsure and a little scared.

Her fury was so great, that I remember worrying that perhaps she had crossed a line of some sort. Was this tantrum a display of an abnormal amount of emotion? Was she physically sick? I even wondered at times if she was she mentally ill.

I went so far as asking a friend, a child psychiatrist, if she thought these types of behaviors were signs of a larger issue. My friend reminded me that at three years old, children have early separation issues and this wild behavior was her unconscious way of testing me: “Will my mommy love me even if I scream, cry and refuse affection?”

I realized after talking to my friend, and doing my own observations, that her tantrums were strong but she’d bounce back and recover fairly quickly.

But not everyone has a friend who is a child psychiatrist. What should we be asking ourselves when we are worried about our children and their overall well being and mental health?

It’s important to understand that not every temper tantrum, aggressive behavior or meltdown is a sign of a major mental health disorder.

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Signs that children may be having trouble are varied depending on their developmental age. but here are some things to keep in mind:

–Hyperactivity beyond what the other kids are doing

-Problémové spaní

–Persistent nightmares

–Excessive fear, worrying, or crying

–Extreme disobedience or aggression.

–Lots of temper tantrums all the time with the inability to sooth

–Persistent difficulty separating

We also must be alert and hone in on the details of our children’s specific behaviors. By looking at the full scope of their interactions and evaluating behavior patterns, you may uncover indicators of a larger, more pressing issue that requires professional treatment.

Areas to evaluate include home, school, friends, family and self. What you are looking for is how intense and frequent their disruptive behaviors are.

While observing your child, ask yourself a series of questions, some of which can include:

Can my child let go of anger, frustration, sadness? Jak dlouho to trvá?

Is my child arguing over the same thing all the time? Can he/she let it go?

Is my child withdrawn and not happy?

Does my child have difficulty engaging?

Is there an inability for my child to find things to do? Is he/she excessively bored?

How well does my child handle quiet time?

Does my child do things to hurt him/herself?

Are there drastic and sudden changes in my child’s behavior (sleeping, eating, toilet habits)?

Does my child have an ability to be empathetic?

Does my child avoid different people in our family?

If you’ve identified areas or behaviors that seem concerning to you, it’s important to organize facts and talk with a professional such as your child’s family doctor. let them know what you’ve observed and be prepared with clear and concise examples to help them better identify and properly recommend the next course of action.

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A worksheet to help you organize your observations:

1. list specific problematic behaviors that indicate emotional turmoil. talk to teachers, daycare providers and others involved with your child on a day-to-day basis. What times of day are these behaviors occurring? What is the setting? What were the circumstances?

2. Make a guess, and define, what you think your child’s emotional turmoil might be. It’s invaluable for the healthcare professional to hear what’s going on in your parental gut and head.

3. What might be the cause of the turmoil? A lot of times, you may have a good inkling as to where this behavior is coming from. For example, are you going through a divorce? Is there an alcoHolic rodič? Udělejte nějaké promyšlené odhady o tom, co si myslíte, že se děje. Nesuďte se. prostě buď upřímný.

4. Jakým způsobem ovlivnilo rodinu emoční nepokoj vašeho dítěte? Zeptejte se sami sebe, jak to ovlivňuje každodenní život pro vás a ostatní ve vaší rodině?

5. Co jsem udělal pro zlepšení této situace? Konkrétně, co fungovalo? A co pak nefungovalo a proč?

V případě potřeby váš zdravotnický odborník doporučí místní zařízení, program nebo lékař, kterému důvěřují.

Ale bez ohledu na to, zůstaňte úzce zapojeni. Vaše dítě potřebuje, abyste se za něj obhajovali a byli připraveni k účasti na řešení.

Hledejte způsoby, jak se bavit a relaxovat společně. trávit čas v přírodě. Položte se v trávě a podívejte se na cloudové formace, jděte na procházku po parku a sbírejte chyby.

Všimněte si silných stránek a chvály je. Chyťte své dítě dobré! Dělá to zázraky pro jejich sebevědomí a vaše pouto společně.

Zaregistrujte se do třídy rodičů/dětských jógy nebo je zapojte do dalších aktivit, které nemusí být nabízeny ve škole, a pomozte jim vyjádřit kreativitu.

Čím pozitivnější zkušenosti máte společně, tím více můžete pomoci svému dítěti prosperovat a rozvíjet důvěru. A čím více můžete pomoci podpořit úspěch vašeho dítěte.

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Autor: Polly Drew, M.Ed., LMFT, LSCW, pro časopis zdravých maminek

Autor Bio:

Polly Drew je psychoterapeutka, která se specializuje na vztahy, manželské a rodinné problémy. Byla poctěna místně i na národní úrovni za její příspěvky do oblasti duševního zdraví a manželství a rodinné terapie. Polly se narodila a vyrostla ve Wisconsinu a je absolventem University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Education. Má magisterský titul z Kent State University v Ohiu, dva roky post-mistrova tréninku v manželství a rodinné terapii a více než 25 let v soukromé psychoterapeutické praxi v Coloradu a Wisconsinu. Stát Wisconsin je licencována jako nezávislá klinická sociální pracovník a manželský a rodinný terapeutka. Další rady od Polly Navštivte: a

Odkaz na tento příspěvek: jak zjistit, kdy vaše dítě trpí poruchou duševního zdraví


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